Recording Queue Contribution
Help us decide which song to record next and crowdfund our next recording!
In 2024, we're making studio recordings of the songs you choose - in the order you choose. You can add any song from our songlist:
Each contribution is an upvote to influence which of these songs we record and in what order. So if there's a song you enjoy that we haven't recorded yet, this is your chance to bump your favorite to the top to ensure it gets made!
Current queue:
Please include the name of the song you are contributing to in the "Order Notes" section. (Be sure it's a song from our current songlist - or a song that's already on the list.)
The Recording Queue is updated manually, so your contribution will not immediately be reflected in the queue — we will update the queue as soon as we can!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! (contact AT
Recording Queue songs are studio recordings of the same arrangements we perform live (vocals-guitar-bass).
All contributions help fund the recording, mixing and mastering, cover licenses, distribution and album art for our official releases — costs that are traditionally covered by a record label. Thank you for helping us continue to make music as independent artists!